Climate change comes to town

Blue Wedges Invitation

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to live in a hotter Melbourne where the coastline of Port Phillip Bay was nothing like it is today and our freshwater systems have undergone significant changes you should not miss the opportunity to hear two world renowned climate and water experts, Dr. Kathleen McInnes and Dr. Graham Harris talk at the Brighton Town Hall on Thursday 15th June at 7.30 PM.

Blue Wedges Invitation

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to live in a hotter Melbourne where the coastline of Port Phillip Bay was nothing like it is today and our freshwater systems have undergone significant changes you should not miss the opportunity to hear two world renowned climate and water experts, Dr. Kathleen McInnes and Dr. Graham Harris talk at the Brighton Town Hall on Thursday 15th June at 7.30 PM.

 Image CSIRO Senior Research Scientist, Dr Kathleen McInnes will speak about the hot topics of global warming and sea level rise. Kathleen has extensive experience in studying sea level rise, tides, storm surges and the physical processes leading to coastal flooding and has assessed storm surge risk under present and enhanced greenhouse climate modelling. Kathleen is presently studying how the expected increases in storm surges resulting from global warming will affect sea level rise. Preliminary data suggests that by 2070 Victoria’s southern and eastern coasts may be hit by storm surges with wind speeds 10% greater than at present. (Insurer IAG advises that a 25% increase in peak wind gusts causes a 650% increase in building damage.) Kathleen’s data for global and local scenarios is at once comprehensive, fascinating and challenging.
Dr. Graham Harris is an eminent ecologist and freshwater and marine biologist, with an international reputation for work in aquatic and terrestrial ecology, freshwater biology, pollution monitoring and biological oceanography. He has also done leading work in fisheries dynamics and the effects of climate variability. Graham is a former CSIRO fellow, co-authoring the CSIRO 4 year Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study (1996), one of the most comprehensive hydrological and ecological studies of our Bay's sensitive systems. Dr. Harris is now a consultant to government and the private sector and will present his current research data on the ecology of Port Phillip Bay.

This is a rare opportunity to hear from two world renowned experts in their fields, on issues that are at the forefront of science preparing us for our global and local future.

Zoe Hogg from Earthcare St. Kilda will also talk on her work with Little Penguins in St Kilda. Zoe is a recent recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award - Victorian Coastal Awards for her work with the local penguin population and will provide us with some fascinating insights into our fine feathered friends and their relationship with Port Phillip Bay.

The evening 'Our Bay, Our Future', starts at 7:30pm and will be hosted by Blue Wedges Inc. and introduced by President Jenny Warfe.  There will be ample question time and a Blue Wedges information stall about the proposed Port Phillip Bay Channel Deepening Project.

A gold coin donation on entry will help to cover venue costs.

 Image  St. Kilda February1989

Scenes like this will become more frequent as our planet heats up


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